Party on the Point
Party on the Point
Empire Touring, Sandstone Point Hotel and Triple M Present

Party on the Point

Sandstone Point Hotel (Sandstone Point, QLD)
Saturday, 26 July 2025 12:30 pm
116 days away
18 Plus
Australian Artists

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General Admission (18+)
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AUSSIE ROCK LEGENDS LINE UP FOR SANDSTONE POINT HOTEL’S 10TH BIRTHDAY BASH! South-East Queensland’s Award winning entertainment venue, Sandstone Point Hotel on beautiful Bribie Island, is celebrating its 10th Birthday with a huge Oz music celebration on Saturday, 26 July 2025.
Leading the line-up of legends, and fresh off their sold-out Back to the Stoneage tour, will be our very own Romeos, Hoodoo Gurus, together with a top shelf list of rock and pop legends including James Reyne, The Angels, Chocolate Starfish, Mi Sex, Spy Vs Spy, The Chantoozies and Matt Finish.